Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Family Christmas Craft Night: First Craft

The table full of craft ideas.

 First Christmas Craft :  is a scented snowy candle holders

Supplies needed, Epsom salts, Mod Podge, ribbon and blue snowflake stickers.
First craft to make were these snowy candle holders.  They are so easy to make.
I applied Mod Podge on the bottom half of a pickle jar and then sprinkled spearmint scented Epsom salts.  After the jar dries, I then applied a second coat of Mod Podge on it.

Next, I glue a blue ribbon and a bow on the top.  I also had snow flake stickers and applied a few of them to the top part of the jar.
I am putting mine in the bathroom for the holidays.  They just smell so good. Just add a tea candle and it's ready to scent the whole room.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Here is a simple dollar store craft. I bought 5 tall white glass candles, small wooden letters, you get 3 letters in each packet and gold and silver glitter.  First, I Mode Podged gold glitter onto the letters. I let them dry for a few hours and then applied a second coat.
I also applied glue to the bottom of the jars and then added silver glitter to the glued area. Next I tied gold string to each letter and then tied them to the candles. I used a big glue dot to the back of each candle to hold the tied gold string to. That way it stays in place. This project cost about 10 dollars and I bought everything from the dollar store.