Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mason Jar Candles

I really enjoy making different type crafts using mason jars. This was an idea I came up with after buying old doilies from yard sales and flea marts.  You can buy them dirt cheap.  Plus, I used recycled Mason jars and some small stones.   They look so beautiful when the tea candles are lit.  I think they would also look beautiful around the holidays with little bells and holiday scented candles.  So here is how I made them :

What I used:  a few jars, the doilies, spray adhesive, twine and a few buttons.

Place the doilie on an old page from a magazine (newspaper sticks to the jar) and spray with the adhesive spray. 

Roll the Jar onto the sprayed doilie.

I rolled twine around the Jar cap, but you can use ribbon also.

Put a few stones in the bottom ( you could use small shells or sand) and add the tea candle.

I lit the candles in this picture, but it wasn't dark enough
to get the right look for the camera. 

You could even dye the doilies if you wanted to.
 They especially look nice in the evening.



1 comment:

  1. They're beautiful Lisa - especially the one with the seashells :-)
