Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome 2013

I want start out this year with a peaceful heart. I'm tired of rushing the day away.  It’s always wake up, hurry up to get to work or to an appointment. It's always rush, rush, rush.  No wonder so many of us have high blood pressure, or problems with stress. I am just tired of the high paced life we live, I really am. So, I am going to start the New Year with the mind set of keeping it "Light and Simple". That's going to be my motto for the year.
The thing is, if we somehow get ourselves to slow down whether it is through yoga, meditation, a vacation or prayer, as soon as we jump back into the rat race of life, everyone around starts rushing you and the stress starts all over again. It's a vicious circle. So, we do what we can to be centered and relaxed.  I am going to strive to start 2013 by learning to live my life based on this Dalai Lama quote. Anyone else want to join me?

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wine and Cheese Party

My daughter was born on New Years Eve, almost 30 years ago. ( I still can't believe she is going to be 30...where did the years go?)  I decided to celebrate her birthday a week early.  Since she likes to have wine and cheese at most get togethers.  I thought I would base the party around that.  So, I went with a "Wine & Cheese" Party theme. I set up the dining room table with grapes, wine bottles ( 2 white & 3 red) an assortment of cheeses and crackers.  I also used wine scented and colored candles.  I thought I would share a few pictures with you.

Happy 30th Birthday Nicole!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Pretty Christmas Table.

My sister set up this beautiful table for our family Christmas party. She was inspired by The Longwood Garden table. Her home was so full of Christmas spirit.  It was such a wonderful family party.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Carol's Candy Jar

My friend Carol gave her Diva's a cute little candy jar as a Christmas gift. I just love it. She used jelly jars and paper Christmas doilies. Next, she filled it with peppermints, then added a little bow and then put some garland around the top.  Simple and adorable.
Oh my,  this jar has her doilie up.

A Candy jar full of sweets and love.
Thanks Carol!